Michael Phelps has already returned home for two weeks since the WSCC.
"We had boxes of fan mail at home. I sat in front of the TV one day and opened every piece of mail. We have Michael Phelps buttons, so I signed a button, stuck it in an envelope and mailed it back to them."
Michael Phelps gave a speech about his experience at the Nova Southeastern University on 21st October.
"It's been fun [since the Olympics] and something I am enjoying for sure. This is all a totally new experience for me."
He says that so far the Ryder Cup and being able to meet celebrities like Detroit Pistons coach Larry Brown, Donald Trump, actors Samuel L. Jackson and Danny DeVito and singer Smokey Robinson has been the most interesting events he has taken part in.
"Being able to see all these people and meeting them is cool. There is still one person I want to meet, and that's Michael Jordan. I have wanted to meet him my whole life."
Mother, Debbie, allows him to buy "a new toy" each time he breaks a world record. He has finally bought the Range Rover "that I have driven for about three hours since I've been away so much." It's parked in the driveway next to his souped-up 2000 Cadillac Escalade with spinning rims, TV sets in the dash and headrests, DVD player, X-Box and sub-woofers.
"You can't exactly play country music in that car!"
He will be moving to Ann Arbor, Michigan in a few weeks time, where he will train with University of Michigan's USS club team, Club Wolverine, and serve as a volunteer assistant coach. He plans to buy a house close to the pool and an English bulldog. He starts classes in January and will probably study sports marketing or management.
"One of my biggest goals is to promote the sport of swimming. Right now this is the biggest time for swimmers to really get up and do something for their sport. The love I have for the sport and how much I want to change will help."